Precision x 106 – Precision stamped parts in large numbers:
Possehl Electronics
Produced stamped parts p.a.
~0 pcs.We manufacture our precision stamped parts in high performance stamping machines and complex chained stamp lines.
Materials / Finish
- Precious metals, copper alloys, steels, aluminum and Al-roll clad copper tapes
- Thickness 0.05 mm – 1.80 mm
- Width up to max. 180 mm
- Tools
- High performance progressive dies
- Blade clearance: 0.004 mm
Machinery / Equipment
- High performance presses with in-line stamped part monitoring
- More than 30 stamping machines 25 – 150 to
- Testing machines for optical final inspection of parts
- Completely chained stamping systems/welding systems/palleting systems
Technology highlights
- Slit and web width: 0.10 mm
- Ratio of slit and web width to material thickness: min. 0.8
- Bending radius: 0.05 mm
- Integrated processing stages in the stamping process: riveting, testing, packaging, clinching
- Stamping of bondable surfaces (Al-roll clad, Au surface)
- Reel-to-reel and loose-piece techniques